Presenting my first release for Lindotnet project

Hello! Welcome to the Lindotnet documentation page repository. I’ve prepared this quick step-by-step guide for people who want use my library, but doesn’t know how to start working with it.

First step

is creating softphone instance. Each of them requires account data, to create a connection between your softphone instance and SIP-Server.

using lindotnet.Classes.Component.Implementation;
var testAccount = new Account(login: "test", password: "testpass",
                 host: "", accountName:"TestUser");

And finally next you can create a softphone instance.

using lindotnet.Classes.Component.Implementation;
var softphoneInstance = new Softphone(testAccount);

Handling events

All right, it’s good that we can create sofpthone. But how we can handle it? Luckilly, each Softphone instance have a multiple events for handling their state. Most of it can displaying connection status between server and your softphone or call status.

Now can be available this events:

Event Description
PhoneConnectedEvent registratoin on server succesfull
PhoneDisconnectedEvent connection with server was closed
IncomingCallEvent you have incoming call
CallActiveEvent you have connected to call (incoming or outcoming)
CallCompletedEvent call completed, and connection with caller close
MessageReceivedEvent you receive a message
ErrorEvent Some throuble with registration on server or smth
CallHolded Active call was holded
/*Subscribe on the events */
softphoneInstancesoftphoneInstance.PhoneConnectedEvent += SoftphoneInstance_PhoneConnectedEvent;
softphoneInstance.MessageReceivedEvent += SoftphoneInstance_MessageReceivedEvent;
softphoneInstance.IncomingCallEvent += SoftphoneInstance_IncomingCallEvent;
softphoneInstance.CallActiveEvent += SoftphoneInstance_CallActiveEvent;


/* And Implement a handlers! */
private void SoftphoneInstance_PhoneConnectedEvent()
    Console.WriteLine("Connected to server sucessfully!");

private void SoftphoneInstance_IncomingCallEvent(Call call)
    Console.WriteLine($"You have a incoming call: {call.From}, {call.State}");

private void SoftphoneInstance_CallActiveEvent(Call call)
    Console.WriteLine($"Connect to call completed. Talk with uour opponent {call.From}.");

private void SoftphoneInstance_MessageReceivedEvent(string from, string message)
    Console.WriteLine($"Message from {from}:{Environment.NewLine}{message}");

For more details i want to create a simple app which will be good example for learning. Unfortunately my development process has slowed since i’ve started working as full-time employer.